Welcome to the “Oscillating Circuits” page. This is the place where you can find pictures and documents of original Lakhovsky’s Oscillating Circuits. Some of them where found recently in Italy.
This invention made by Georges Lakhovsky relates to an apparatus for collecting electrical oscillations. It has been shown that short and very short magnetic or electric waves have a certain action on the vitality of cells, the latter constituting, in fact, true oscillating circuits. The scientific researches upon which this discovery is based can be found, among others, in the Reports of the Sociéte de Biologie, 26th July,1924, in the Radio Review, 1924, and in reported work of the Ecole des Supérieure de P.T.T., Origin of life.
It has further been shown that such waves exist in all parts of the atmosphere, their origin being cosmic waves. This discovery is due to the researches of Professor Millikan, and can be found described in reports of his work.
Georges Lakhovsky has found that the action of these waves on the vitality of the cells of the vegetable, animal or human organism, may be promoted by simply surrounding the organism to be treated, by an oscillating open metallic circuit, constituted by insulated, open ended metallic conductors which collect the waves to some extent. The reception efficiency will be increased considerably if the oscillating circuit can encircle the organism to be treated. This may be established for example, by enclosing the circuit in an insulating belt, collar or bracelet. The patient was indicated to wear such a belt/collar, bracelet, located preferably at the level of the nerve centers.

An oscillating circuit is a circuit containing inductance and capacity, which when supplied energy from an external source, is set in electrical vibration and oscillates at its natural frequency. The resonance wavelength is determined by the dimensions of the oscillating circuit. Larger dimensions results in a larger wavelength. This can be more easily understood if the oscillating circuit is considered from an antenna point of view, what it is in fact. In principle any physical shape is possible. The resonating wavelength is roughly twice the length of the physical element. One could also say, the antenna or oscillating circuit resonates at half wavelength mode.
An oscillating circuit or antenna equivalent electrical diagram can be composed of different electrical components, like inductors, capacitors and resistors. In such a electrical circuit the resonance phenomena is more easy to understand. This is why Lakhovsky used this presentation in his books.
The physicist Heinrich Hertz of Germany (1857–1894) demonstrated the existence of the electromagnetic radiation that Maxwell had predicted. Hertz confirmed the existence of an electromagnetic wave by observing the electric current induced in an resonant circuit. When sufficient current is induced in the open loop, a spark is generated in the gap.

In Hertz’s time, high-frequency signal generators and frequency counters did not exist. It would have been difficult to correctly anticipate and observe a resonant frequency in the resonant circuit. However in Japan, the physicist Hantaro Nagaoka did his own experiments just one year after Hertz. The results were published in the Journal of the Science Academy, No. 7, in 1889. He found a method to calculate the resonance freauency; he wrote, “…when we assume T as the oscillation period, L as the self-inductance, C as the capacitance, the equation to get T is…” T = 2π√LC.
We can say that an oscillating circuit is an antenna that is able to absorb and emitt electromagnetic energy waves. The highest energy can be expected at its first resonance frequency and all harmonics. The oscillating circuit considered here have a circular shape made of conducting wire or wires with an open section. The resonance frequency is defined by the circumference together with the distance and surface area between the open ends. Such an antenna can be seen as an electrical parallel circuit of an inductance and a capacitance, the inductance being formed by the circular shape of the wire and the capacitance being formed between both ends of the wire.
Lakhovsky found that cell’s in living matter (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) behave as oscillating circuits. Oscillating circuits radiate waves and absorb waves from external sources each at a different wavelength (or frequency).
Lakhovsky explains that a conductor is possess inductance if a current flowing through it causes a magnetic field to be set up round it. The capacity of a condenser of an isolated body is a measure of the charge of the quantity of electricity it is capable of storing. From such a circuit, energy is readily given off in the form of waves. According to Lakhovsky, the nucleus of a living cell may be compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. The nucleus consists of tubular filaments, chromosomes, mitochondria, made up of insulating material and filled with a conducting fluid containing all the mineral salts found in sea water. These filaments are thus comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity according to a specific frequency.
Lakhovsky was the first to predict the existence of the double helix we now know as DNA. Modern science has found that DNA is absorbing and radiating energy at a wavelength depending at the size of the DNA.
Lakhovsky’s experiments on cancerous plants with oscillating circuits are a landmark in the history of radio-electrical methods of treatment.

In a mechanical system, resonance happens when energy oscillates between two different forms. Imagine a pendulum. When the pendulum has swung out as far as it is going to go, it is momentarily stationary. Potential energy is maximum. As the pendulum swings past its central position one-quarter of a cycle later, its velocity, and thus kinetic energy, is maximum. Thus, in resonance, energy flows back and forth from one form to another every one-quarter of a cycle. In an LC (inductor/capacitor) resonant circuit, energy flows back and forth between the capacitor (electric energy) and inductor (magnetic energy). Just like the pendulum, this happens naturally at the resonant frequency. With excitation by a sine wave, the electrical energy accumulating in C and the magnetic energy accumulating in L alternate by 90° phase, and we have the state of resonance.
In particular the oscillating circuit is not solely dependent on natural resonance frequency but several equally important factors, like quality factor, must be satisfied in order for “resonance” to occur.
Original publications and patents

FR38049, 1930, Mode de captation des oscillations électriques; 2e addition FR657295
GB322485A Appartus for collecting electrical oscillations
Original COLYSA flyer on Lakhovsky Oscillating Circuits
Report on original Oscillating Circuits
Oscillating Circuits and Plants
Oscillating Circuit (From G. Lakhovsky experiments on Plants)

All the plants died except for the second of left, which was equipped with an oscillating circuit.

Oscillating Circuits and Humans

The biophysiological effects on humans are elaborated in Georges Lakhovsky books
Oscillating Circuits and Animals
Remarkable effects of oscillating circuits on animals have been reported in several books and especially in the book The Secret of Life:
“Mr. P. Fournier-Ormonde, Director of the Institut Physiologiquc de la Croix Blanche, Vaucresson (France), began to experiment by applying oscillating circuits on his own body with the result that he soon noticed an increase of vigor and general well-being. He then decided to experiment on pedigree horses. In the first experiment he fitted seven horses with oscillating circuits in the form of collars with a circumference of 80—85 cms. This scientist describes his results as follows: The application of the circuits round the neck, shoulders and pasterns of the horses is followed, after a variable period of time, by some remarkable results. The eyes acquire a greater brilliancy, the coat becomes more glossy, the skin more supple and the general appearance of the horses is strikingly improved. Moreover the horses appear to be conscious of this increase of vigor which they manifest by spontaneous galloping and by signs of being ” full of beans.” Mr. Fournier-Ormonde further remarks that all the vital organs are favorably affected by the application of oscillating circuits which, according to him, appear to act as a kind of “accelerator” of the “animal motor.” Furthermore, the constant use of these oscillating circuits increases the vivacity and improves the general health of horses in an unmistakable manner.”
Oscillating Circuits and Fluids
The “Wine Bonifier”

An oscillating circuit is used nearby a fluid held in a glass container. The opening of the oscillating circuit should be directed towards the North. The resonance is estimated to be -roughly- 2 meter wavelength. For example treatment of wine results in change of the aroma and other changes appear in taste. With the proper procedure the wine turns slightly in a vinegar starting from Madeira.

Clip from Le Petit Parisien newspaper, 1934
Original C.O.L.Y.S.A. Oscillating Circuits

Examples of modern oscillating circuits

- Cable protection: soft white or light green colored PVC
- Inner conductor: copper brain or multi-metal wires
- Diameter: roughly 23 cm, first resonance frequency at 150 MHz
A Quality factor of 14 as a resonator is found at first resonance when wearing around the neck

Experiments with trees

Tree brought back to life after 9 months of treatment with replica Lakhovsky Oscillating Circuit.
Catalpa bignonioides – Indian bean tree – Catalpa commun – Trompetenbaum.
This Catalpa tree had no leaves for two years and returned energized after 9 months of treatment with two Lakhovsky Oscillating Circuits.

The first oscillating circuit, placed on the tree trunk, is designed from 5 mm diameter copper tube and tuned to resonance for 150 MHz. The open ends of the oscillating circuit are placed to the South direction. The second oscillating circuit, placed in the tranches, is designed from 3 mm diameter copper tube and tuned to resonance for 150 MHz. The open ends are placed to the North direction. This method is similar as the “liquid” energizer construction.
One year later new pictures where taken. These Catalpa trees have normally only leaves at the top of the tree and not at the trunk. At the left picture you can see the tree with the oscillating circuit installed, this is the same tree as at the first picture while at the picture at the right, no oscillating circuit is installed, this is a another healthy tree. As you can notice the tree with the oscillating circuit installed is getting leaves also at the trunk of the tree.
Fast tree growth during treatment with a Lakhovsky Oscillating Circuit

A young healthy blackthorn tree has been fitted with a single Lakhovsky oscillating circuit close to the ground . The material for the oscillating circuit is bare copper wire, 3mm in diameter. Fast growth is experienced demonstrated at the picture on the right. The height of the tree has doubled in the course of one season.
Fast lemon tree growth
This is the story of my own lemon tree, which is born from a seed of lemon, about 3 years ago. It grew up to 60 cm length in about 3 years, until last Christmas. Then an oscillating circuit was placed around it. After 2 months it is grown to 120 cm height and it has new leaves that are incredibly big.
The leaf at the photo is 16 cm long and 10 cm wide! it used to have leaves with half this size.

The oscillating circuit is designed of 6 mm copper tube diameter and has a diameter of 30cm and a 4 cm overlap of the tube ends.
The oscillating circuit is supported by 3 holders made from grey 16mm PVC tube. The gap is placed to the north with an inclination of 35 to 40° over the horizon.
Experiments with Salix Integra

One of the three Salix Integra present in the garden was in bad conditions in the beginning of April. An oscillating circuit is installed on the tree.
The oscillating circuit is made with 4 mm copper tube with a diameter of 25 cm and a 4 cm overlap of the tube ends. The oscillating circuit is supported by 3 holders made with grey 16 mm PVC tube. The gap is placed to the north with an inclination of 20 to 30° over the horizon.
Amazingly, the tree starts to recover. The three pictures below have been taken in May the same day. Note that the two healthy Salix Integra have plenty of leaves. The picture above is taken at the partially tree at the South side, no leafs yet. However the picture here below is taken at the partially tree at the North side, where the opening is of the oscillating circuit, and the birth of the leaves can be seen.

The story of my Spatofyllum
I had to stay away from home for 10 days, and my Spatofyllum plants haven’t been watered. The weather was very hot and dry, and when I came back home they had been found in very bad conditions. One of them had an oscillating circuit and it was a little bit better than the others two. After watering them and after 3 days the picture below was taken. Quite impressive!

Other experiments: Multiple Oscillating circuits unit
A multiple oscillating circuits unit has been developed which mimics the antenna design of the multiple wave oscillator. Every oscillating circuit contains multi metals and the opening is positioned like the antenna design of the multiple wave oscillator. The oscillating circuits are sewed on a cotton bandage.

Length of the oscillating circuits: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 45, 50, 55 cm
Multi metal: copper, steel, gold, silver

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